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Thursday, January 19, 2012

What should I eat when I don't have the time?

I have had this question asked of me by many people: What should you eat when you are unable to eat for a long period of time because of the nature of your work? Well, it’s time to give you guys the answer. Here is the exact question I recently received. "Here’s a topic that I would find interesting because of my job schedule. I normally don't eat dinner until 9pm because my normal hours are 2-9 during the week, and I am running around teaching classes or talking to customers. However, on Friday, I eat at around 6 because I work 7am on Saturday morning. How can I work a nutrition schedule into a weird schedule?"

I'm going to answer this question specifically, and then give a general answer to the rest of you out there that also have a tough schedule. Since you do not start work until 2 pm, you should have eaten at least 2 meals at home before going in to work. The next question I will ask is whether or not you have time to go to the bathroom. This sounds silly, but certain jobs don't give you enough time to even do that. If you get bathroom breaks, then take a good bar/shake with you to the bathroom and eat it there. I happen to like Larabars. They taste good and use few ingredients. Any other good organic bar would do the trick also. I would keep away from meal replacement bars or protein bars, because they are all processed garbage with tons of sugar. Basically they consist of all calories and have no nutritional benefit. I also mentioned shakes. Shakes can be bought or made by you. The following is the recipe for the shake that I make myself: I use 2-3 raw eggs, raw milk, and banana. That's the basic recipe. If I feel like adding more flavor to it, I add raw nuts and sunflower seeds, organic strawberries and raw honey if I want it sweeter. I look for the best quality ingredients to add to my shake. If you don't want to go through all the trouble of making your own shake, then buy a good quality organic shake. Read the labels to make sure it's beneficial for your body, not just empty calories and sugar. Again, I would keep away from ALL meal replacement shakes or protein shakes.

Basically this all comes down to preparation. Prepare yourself for success, and you will succeed. Eating a meal late at night is not a problem. The key is to make sure that you are eating throughout the day. If you skip all your meals in the beginning of the day, and then have one huge meal at night, your body will start storing fat.

If anyone has any good suggestions regarding the bars or shakes that you use, please comment below.

If anyone has any specific questions that they would like answered, please ask away at

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