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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Definition of Definitions

Much thinking has gone into the creation of the name New Redefined Wellness. The average individual does not know what this stands for. Therefore, I will break down the name into small parts in order to fully explain to you what it means.

New Redefined Wellness

New: something fresh, of an unknown origin. Basically, no one has ever heard of it before.
Redefined: giving a new or different definition.
Wellness: the state or condition of being in good physical and mental health.

These are all dictionary definitions.

Now, what it means to me:

New Redefined Wellness.

New: There is nothing new to what I'm offering. My logic and expertise comes from what is actually old and ancient ways of living. It has become so old that it died off and has been resurrected. Confused? Well, what I advise people on, is how they are supposed to eat. The best diet is one that is filled with whole foods, fresh good quality meat, and very little or no grains. This is how we used to eat before scientists and chemists decided to "improve" on Mother Nature by designing lots of heavy processed foods.

Redefined: I simplify the facts and explain them from many different perspectives in order for you to fully understand how nutrition and exercise should be practiced. Because of the many conflicting diet plans and exercise programs out there, many people become extremely confused as to which is the best and most effective regiment. Being healthy does not mean it has to be difficult. And it is not.

Wellness: Merging the entire body, mind and spirit as one. It is accomplished through stress management, exercise, proper nutrition, sleep/rest and much more.

When these words are defined separately they do not make much sense. But when combined together they form the New Redefined Wellness- Educating on a simpler, more effective, pain-free lifestyle.
Contact me at with any questions

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