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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Practice Makes Perfect

I know I listed a couple of my New Year’s resolutions before. Here is another. After watching this VIDEO, I wanted to get better control over my body’s awareness and strength so that my handstands would get better. After a whole week of working on one handed handstands, I achieved my goal. It took me a week to do it, but I finally did it. It's a great feeling to accomplish something you have been working on. It makes it that much sweeter after all of the effort that was put into it.

Today your goal may seem extremely far away, but no matter what it is, keep chipping away at it, and you will achieve it. Whether it takes a week, a month, a year or a lifetime, you are still improving and getting better. You can apply that to any goal. Whether it be for work, a weight loss goal, a specific lift, or your ability to cook, anything is possible, as long as you keep practicing and working towards that specific goal.

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