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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting is currently the new health craze. I read a fantastic Ebook on the subject and I will post the link below so that you guys can check it out. This is a free Ebook, and yet at the same time, it’s worth 100,000 dollars.
Why did I give it such a high price especially since it’s free? Is it that effective?
The reason why I enjoyed this book so much is: A) it’s a quick read. So this is the perfect solution for those of you who don’t like to read, or don’t have the time.
B) It is very easily understood. It uses simple terms and flows so easily that it makes you want to keep reading. And finally, the most important reason: C) The way that everything was recorded was extremely detailed. The author of the research is a scientist, and he uses himself to test out different diet crazes. Talk about self sacrifice for a greater cause. He is extremely unbiased and records everything that he encounters, whether it’s positive or negative.
**His approach to finding and handling a problem was the most fascinating. As he only changed one variable at a given time (usually 2 weeks) and studied how his body reacted to it.** This is extremely important for anyone who is trying to get any results.
Let’s use weight loss as the goal that we are trying to reach. Since most people are so eager to get started, especially if it’s a New Year’s resolution, they tackle it full force. This is great if it works and continues to work but sadly most of the time it does not. What they do is they change their diet (or at least I hope they do), they may start a supplement program, and start exercising. Which is all good and great, these are the basics of getting to your goal. But what happens if, after doing all of that, they don’t get any results. What to do next? They have no idea whether it’s their diet that’s bad, if the supplements they are taking are a total waste of money, or the exercise program is boring, stale and is not producing any results because it is the total opposite of what their body needs. To avoid running into this problem, first and foremost, READ THIS EBOOK. As I mentioned before you will feel like you have found 100,000 dollars. And, most importantly, make sure you always work with a professional that can help you with whatever your goals are.

Enjoy the read. And make sure that you apply the knowledge.

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