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Thursday, January 26, 2012

I Go On Vacation 12 Times A DAY...

How often does an average American go on vacation per year? One week? Two weeks? Maybe a month, if you’re lucky. How would you like to go on vacation multiple times a day? This is not some fast scheme marketing program, this is for real. Watch this 2 MINUTE VIDEO. If you don't have 2 minutes then you can fast forward to the 1 min and 30 second mark.

Now I know that is not the vacation you were thinking of, but this vacation may be even better for you than most vacations you take now. It does not require any packing, traveling, money expenditure or anything else that comes along with going on vacation. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking going on vacation, I'm just saying there is now a better way for you to do it all the time. Mental vacations are a must, especially if you have a stressful job. And I know we all have stressful jobs at one point or another. This vacation will help us cope with those stresses. One of my favorite vacations is a 2-3 day outdoor camping trip where I unplug from the world. I turn off my phone, throw it in the back of the tent, read a book and relax. Gathering wood for the fire, catching fish so that we have food to eat, and preparing food over a real fire also helps me relax. I go to sleep when it gets dark and I wake up when it gets light. This recharges me mentally so I can get back to the real world and tackle all the things I need to get done. EVERYONE needs their own daily mental vacation. Come up with a great mental vacation and comment below to give other readers some great ideas.

P.S. this mental vacation can be used to help you relax before going to sleep.

Contact me with any questions at

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