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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Nutrition seminar

I’m quite excited for Saturday, because I will be teaching my second nutrition seminar.
When I taught my first one over a year ago, I had anticipated being nervous, but to my surprise, I was not nervous at all. I had always hated getting up in front of people and speaking it did not happen on that day, I actually enjoyed it.
One of my best friend’s fathers always told me that if you are quite passionate about something, then all the fear dissipates. That was when I realized that this lifestyle of health, fitness, happiness, and vitality is for me. Now why did it take me so long to host another seminar? All of my reasons turned out to be just excuses. Every one of us has fears. Those fears are rationalized to us by our own excuses. Well its 2012, and my excuses and my fears are being subdued by a greater need. That is the need to share my knowledge and to help more people. This revelation was made to me by one of my friends, Sonia, who also happens to be my client. Thank you for that.

Even though I have not hosted a seminar in a year, I am still a year wiser. I have acquired another years worth of knowledge, as well as how to relay it to people so that it’s more easily understood.

This seminar will open your eyes, ears, and maybe even hearts to a better lifestyle. I will be discussing how to reach your goals and also how to make yourself grow as an individual in everyday life. I would like to invite anyone and everyone who is interested in nutrition, health and fitness, to come and join me on January 7th. Click here to get more details.

ATTENTION: as a special bonus we will have an Olympic Weightlifting coach running a free clinic right after the seminar, so bring your work out gear and enjoy the class.

Feel Free to contact me with any topics that you would like discussed at

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