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Monday, January 2, 2012

Make a Decision

When we feel overwhelmed and are confused about what to do, sometimes we do nothing.

I want to start off by wishing everyone a Happy New Year. I hope that everyone had a fun and safe celebration. On January 1st my plans were to go snowboarding with my friends. Those plans fell through due to extremely warm weather.
I had nothing to do that day so I decided to capitalize on the opportunity. Since my new year’s resolution is to grow my business (one of many resolutions that will get accomplished this year) I knew that I needed to get organized and make a great plan for success. I had read many books by successful individuals who always made it a point to say that the first step of any business is to have a plan and to be organized. I had always skipped the first step of organization because well.... many reasons. I guess one of them being that I thought I knew better.
I’m very happy to say that I made great use of my time since my plans fell through. I organized my files, my books, my folders and my room. Now I feel like I can be more efficient. It’s a brand new year and because my working space is now well organized, it actually makes me want to do the work that I usually consider busy work and do not like.

THE LESSON THAT I LEARNED from this is: always follow the advice of people that have done what you are trying to do. And don't skip any crucial step. That lesson can be applied to more than just business. It can be applied to a workout program, nutrition program, even driving a car.

My Promise to myself is to keep my room and workspace clean for the rest of the year. That is a huge commitment on my part because I haven’t done it in previous years. But this time I have you guys to keep me honest. I will update you on the status of my organization every month.

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