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Monday, December 27, 2010

The secret to looking ageless

Hey everyone, I found a secret to staying ageless and wrinkle free. And no it's not some miracle cream, pill, shot, or even surgery. Actually, the secret is really not a secret at all! It’s the simplest solution and the most overlooked.

How much money does a typical female spend on cosmetics and beauty products? Thousands sometimes maybe even tens of thousands? If you were to sit down and actually figure out how much money was spend on all that stuff you would probably kick yourself (I suggest not counting the costs in front of your husband). Well, the simple solution that most people don't realize is how we take care of ourselves. It all falls back to how much exercise or movement our body gets, how much nutrition we absorb, how much sleep we need, and how much water we consume. I will discuss the importance of proper hydration in this article because to discuss all the elements would take a long time and this one is the most overlooked.

Basics of what water is responsible for in our bodies:
Our body is 72% water some sources say even more.
We need water for digestion, temperature and blood regulation, respiration, and detoxification. (The toxin build up is what creates this older appearance)
90% of our blood is water and uses water to transport oxygen, nutrients, and antibodies throughout the body.
80% of our skin is water. Plentiful water is needed to maintain our skin's elasticity and moisture barrier.
Its winter time and many peoples’ skin begin to crack because of dehydration. So stop applying that lotion and grab an extra glass of water.

Did you know that just a 5% drop in bodily fluids can cause a 25 to 30 % loss in energy?
If you are having energy crashes or cravings of sweets it's a good indication of being dehydrated.

How to know when you are properly hydrated?
A good rule of thumb is to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces. So a person who weighs 200 lbs needs to consume 100 oz of water daily. If you exercise make sure to consume an additional 8 to 16 oz more, depending on your thirst and your activity level.
Some people may say that since they increase their water consumption they urinate more frequently. Great! that means that your boring day is broken up into frequent bathroom visits meaning you move around more.

Now, what's the best source of water?

There are plenty to choose from! There is well water, tap water, bottled water, distilled water, alkaline water and vitamin water.
Well water is the cleanest and the purist out there. But if you are not lucky enough to live by a mountain well or a spring then you need to look elsewhere.
Tap water and bottled water are the most convenient but are they the cleanest sources?
There are many harmful chemicals in both but the tap water is much cheaper and is actually tested for them. Bottled water industries have no regulations and test the water as rarely as once a year. So the best option is to put a filtration system on your tap water. It's the most cost effective and environmentally friendly.

Water filtration options:

Pitcher style filter
Reverse osmosis filter
Ion exchange filter
Distillation filter
Granular carbon and carbon block filter

Do research on these filtration options and find out what type of water pollutants are in your tap water. Then protect yourself against them.

So there it is, the secret is revealed. Hydration is a good start and the most simplest to work on. Make sure to cover all the other bases as well, nutrition, movement, etc.

If you would like more information about water consumption or health tips, contact Yuri at

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The secret to achieve your fitness goals

There are so many articles written and so many products sold on how to get in the best shape of ones life, yet, America’s risk of having the biggest population of obesity continues to rise. How is that possible? All the workout talk and the dieting products must be aimed at somebody! I fell into the same trap as the typical reader or infomercial viewer because of all the colorful marketing. The truth is that 98% percent of the marketed products don't work. What happens with those programs is that people who are trying to get results and are following the work out regimen of the so-called experts in the beginning may actually get some results. Since they are so eager and starting to see some improvement in their outside appearance they continue but unfortunately, they end up injured. Once injured their mobility decreases and they lose all their results and often end up in worse shape than before. So, how does one go about finding the 2% of the information that is actually reliable? Simple answer: experience, trial and error of what works and does not work. Now, to a person who simply wants to get in shape without getting injured, this may be quite confusing and time consuming.

So what I'm going to do for you is give you one simple advice that you can take with you so that you don't have to suffer through injury and prolong or halt your progress; when you are a beginner or even an avid athlete, the first and last thing that needs to be addressed is mobility and flexibility. Some people may be turned off by the word athlete and say that this article is not for them. Everyone is an athlete, to some people it may come easier than others but everyone can do it.
Flexibility should be the foundation of any exercise program. And out of all the articles I have seen, none provide the proper way of stretching! Sure, you can find 10 to 15 articles in one magazine on how to make your biceps bigger, but nothing on how to stretch the biceps, forearms or wrists to prevent injuries and lessen aches.

How to get a good stretching technique? Work with a professional: Whether it's a trainer, a massage therapist, or even a chiropractor. If they are good at what they do they can suggest a good stretching regiment. If not, then its time to find a new professional. If you are unable to afford the services of the professional previously stated then Yoga is a perfect alternative for you. Now, there are many levels of yoga and in order to get the stretching part accomplished, start with beginner yoga and work on loosening the hip flexors and hamstring muscles. Unfortunately, many men may think that yoga is only for women, especially those big avid weight lifters/ body builders. One thing that may change your mind is that when you stretch, you activate more muscle fibers, so the next time you workout, you have much more muscle fibers to recruit and grow. In this process, you actually get more flexible, grow more muscle and are less likely to get injured.

I sincerely hope that this clears up a few things for you and helps you understand where your starting point should be and what to be aware of in order to remain in the best and healthiest shape of your life, without injuries!

For more information contact Yuri at

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Be the best you can be. How to achieve greatness.

What are your goals? This is a very common question that we hear in school, at work, and for our physical fitness routines. How important is it for you to set your goals? Well, you may think it’s not important at all but in fact it is the difference between success and failure. Therefore, you must decide whether it's important to you or not.

Since this is a fitness/health blog, we will focus on how to get your fitness goals established and accomplished. How to create a successful goal schedule that is manageable and gets you where you want to be. It does not have to be anything specific such as flat abs, or losing 10 pounds. It could be as general as increasing vitality and/or health, which, in my opinion is the best kind of goal to have.

The best way to begin is to write down your goal on a sheet of paper. Take a couple of minutes to do so now because it will help you become more focused on what it is you truly want. Writing down your goal is a constant reminder of where you are headed. Many people claim they have a goal but they keep them embedded in their heads without ever truly accomplishing them or putting them into action. We are going to go into depth about setting your goal and it is going to be difficult to have everything in your mind, so if you have not written down your goal yet, PLEASE do so now.

We will now go into detail about your goal. Take a moment to write down why accomplishing your goal is important to you. Think of as many reasons as possible and try to take into consideration the physical and emotional aspects of it. What happens if you do not accomplish what you are set out to do? Make sure you know what you lose by not getting what you want. For the example of fitness, if you do not reach your ideal health then the total opposite can occur: disease, sickness, stress, or depression. This can lead to big medical bills or emotional strain of not being able to enjoy your favorite past times. These are all sad but realistic examples of what may occur and they should motivate you to get up and get your goal accomplished. There are plenty other great questions that maybe added but these are a good start.
(Now you see why having your goal written down helps. So if you still have not got it on paper, make sure to do so now).

Now that we’ve got all that important information on paper, let's start setting the goal. The most efficient way to set a goal is to start small and then make them big. So have your daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and yearly goals set out. Break them down into as many small components as needed for your success. Be warned not to have an overall yearly goal because it's hard to reach something so far away without slowly working on a broken down set of goals. Once the small goals are complete, check them off and move on to the next. It is encouraging to do so with a highlighter so that once you open that paper or book and see all the highlighted items it will show you how much closer you are to your goal. Naturally, things may occur in our daily lives that may take us off track a bit and slow us down from where we are headed. Having all the goals complete highlighted may be encouraging enough to get you through that bumpy road.

The actual goal that you pick is not as important as the way you structure or plan to accomplishing your goal. So make sure to have a good plan set up.

If you reach your goal sooner than expected, don't worry you can always revise it and aim for more. Remember, there is always room for improvement.

NRW wishes you success on your journey of self improvement.
For more information contact Yuri at

Saturday, November 27, 2010

There are 3 types of people in this world...

In a not so distant past our elderly were seen as the wisest and most respected people in society. Their reason is that the elderly have been around for a long time and have experienced and learned the most in life. This is true throughout all tribes and goes as far back as any record in history. People had learned from the wise and elderly, giving them the ability to progress and acquire more knowledge, thereby creating the evolution of man.

As we move from the past, we enter into our own times: The present. This is the age of modernization, ultimate wisdom, and knowledge. All the information is at our finger tips. Yet there are but a hand full of people that allow themselves to stand out of the crowd. What makes them different from everyone else?

Let me introduce the 3 types of people in this world: There are people who will not learn no matter what. There are people who learn from their mistakes. And there are those fortunate few who just learn.

Learning is going to be referred to as everything; common knowledge, street smart, book smart etc.

First, I will discuss those that cannot learn. These are the people who continuously make mistakes and never learn from them. Whether it's doing the same cardiovascular machine every day, expecting their body to miraculously "get in shape", or going on many different diets and still ending up looking the same or worse than when they began. Or, someone who gets in trouble with the law and continues doing so even though they know the penalty is not satisfying. The examples are endless and we are quick to point this out in others but are the last to see this in our own selves. Albert Einstein stated that the definition of "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." This is unfortunately the perspective that this first class of individuals suffer.

Now, we get to our second group of people. These individuals have made lots of mistakes in their lives but they have learned from them and in turn, make better decisions because of them. They used to be doing the same cardiovascular machine and following a diet that did not work but they were able to realize it and CHANGE their ways. These individuals kept breaking the law but once they got caught and fined for it, they decided that it's not worth the hassle to repeat the same mistake over. These people learned the hard way but did in fact learn. It may take some people months, years, or even decades, but in the end, they become a wiser individual due to those experiences.

And finally, we reached our third class of individuals; those that simply learn. They learn from their own trials and errors. They have the ability to pick up knowledge from other peoples mistakes, but more importantly, they learn from the experts or the "elderly" of our time. Learning is not a chore to them; it is simply a part of life. These are the people who stand out in society. This is what everyone should want to and be willing to achieve.

Which type of person are you? Figure out what you are and get yourself on the learning curve. Keep making slight changes each day for the better, and soon, you will be a "wise elder" as well.

NRW wishes you success on your journey of self improvement.
For more information contact Yuri at

Monday, November 22, 2010


This article correlates with my previous article on Happiness. What completes you? Many people take themselves for granted and end up too stressed, malnourished and/or sick. It's great to want to help others, but how can one help another if they can’t help themselves?

I am going to use parents as an example simply to illustrate my point. Parents make many sacrifices for their children. They work in order to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads. They make time to drive their children to sporting events, music recitals, parties etc. Basically, their entire world revolves around their children. Now, there is nothing wrong with this but how many people can truly be happy living this lifestyle for a long period of time? Unfortunately, based upon the rising rates of divorce, not too many individuals are fond of living that lifestyle. What each person needs to do is become slightly more selfish. Yes, you heard me right: slightly more selfish!

People need to place themselves as number 1 in their life. This means; taking the time out of their busy lives from taking care of everyone else and focusing a little more on taking care of themselves. When asked to describe yourself, how do you answer that question? Most people begin listing hobbies, or their likes and dislikes; I like cooking, I hate cleaning. I love dogs, I hate cats, etc... Now, to truly appreciate yourself, YOU need to figure out who YOU are. In order to do that, you must realize what your core values are. These core values will represent who you truly are. There are many values or needs that each person has, but we will address the three basic ones; physical, mental, and emotional.

Physical values: How much movement or exercise does your body need? What are your dietary needs? Basically anything to do with your body goes under physical values.

Mental values: How much time or rest do you need in order to be mentally focused? What mental challenges do you enjoy? Anything that stimulates your mind falls under this category.

Emotional values: Do you need a great deal of social time? What type of people do you like to be surrounded by? This one is yet the biggest field because anything that springs up emotion goes under here.

Going back to our parent example; many of their needs are not met by simply catering to their children. Therefore, they must figure out what they truly like so that they may be able to balance their personal lifestyles with satisfaction and happiness. If work is making them unhappy, they must find out what job is best suited for them. If they enjoy being around people then being a pencil pusher at the back of the office is not a job for them and vice versa. If they don't like the body image they have, then they must figure out what they like and strive to achieve it. And last but not least, the relationships in their life; Whether it's a business, friendship, lover, husband or a wife relationship they need to be clear about their core values. Right from the start, they will know their compatibility and this will allow them to have long and healthy relationships with others.

Therefore, by continuing to be involved parents and fulfilling the needs of their children, they can still retain self satisfaction simply by adjusting minor details in their lifestyles. Such as; finding a job that takes care of their financial needs and mental needs, gaining physical activity either by cheering and running with the child or helping them warm up for their sporting events, and having a babysitter once in a while so they may go out to social gatherings and take care of their emotional values. NONE of these changes can be made unless the parents find out what they really want out of life. Take action now and become that healthy, happy individual you’ve always wanted to be!

NRW wishes you success on your journey of self improvement.
For more information contact Yuri at

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Today, we are going to discuss a simple concept called Happiness. We all frequently use this word, happy; I’m happy today, I'm happy to be alive, or even the classic phrase: happy birthday.

So, what does it mean to be happy?

I would like to ask you a question right now and want you to answer it in all honesty. Take out a piece of paper and right down whatever comes to mind first! The question of the year is: WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?

Many of you are probably looking at the screen with a puzzled face because you can not figure what truly makes you happy. So here comes the next question: How can you ever be happy if you don't know what makes you happy in the first place? Ahhh, there’s the catch 22; without knowing what you want, you will never achieve it.

Your task is to figure out what makes you happy and go do it.

Friday, October 1, 2010


85% of U.S. adults consume caffeine daily and are prone to increased blood pressure; meaning, greater chances of heart disease and increased stressed.

The Duke University research team found that even if people don't consume caffeine after 1pm, the effects remain until they go to sleep. That's because caffeine takes a long time to deteriorate in the body. Twelve hours after consumption, the body still contains one-eighth of the original amount of caffeine. With regular consumption, these long-lasting effects could increase the risk of heart disease.

In addition, any disorder related to stress, such as the type 2 form of diabetes or social anxiety, can be adversely affected by caffeine consumption.

In the study, 47 regular coffee drinkers consumed 500 milligrams of caffeine, about the same as four 8 ounce cups of coffee, in the form of two pills, and no later than 1pm. They took these active pills one workday and inactive pills the next day, never knowing which type of pill they were consuming. The researchers monitored their blood pressure, heart rate, and quality of specific substances in their urine.

The subjects showed higher stress levels on days they consumed the caffeine pills, and produced 32% more epinephrine, a stress hormone. They also had slightly higher blood pressure with the caffeine pills.

Previous studies have shown that caffeine worsens insulin sensitivity, one of the major causes of chronic illness.
Other studies have shown that caffeine leads to a loss of aortic elasticity, and raises blood pressure.

Getting rid of this coffee habit, especially if you are addicted, is a lengthy process. It must be done in a controlled and slow pace because it is just like any drug addiction, which will create some withdrawal symptoms.

A helpful solution would be to drink organic coffee instead. Coffee is a heavily sprayed crop, so drinking organic coffee might reduce or eliminate the exposure to toxic herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers.

Another helpful replacement would be "Swiss Water Process" decaf; if you are going to drink decaffeinated coffee, be sure that it uses a non-chemical based method of decaffeination. The "Swiss Water Process" is a patented method and is the best choice.

Be sure to avoid sugar and/or milk - These are actually much worse for you than the coffee itself. Don't compound the detrimental health effects by adding milk or sugar to your coffee.

It is also important to use unbleached filters. If you use a "drip" coffee maker, be sure to use non-bleached filters. The bright white ones, which most people use, are chlorine bleached and some of this chlorine will be extracted from the filter during the brewing process.

One study that was performed on 15 men shows that 100mg of caffeine, the equivalent of two cups of coffee, can increase activity in the part of the brain that is responsible for short term memory. It also improves reaction times such as claimed on energy drinks and does increase energy levels but that only lasts for a short time.

Many studies have been linked to tea slowing down brain-cell degeneration, and there- by keeping your mind sharp. Although there is caffeine in tea, it is half of the caffeine that is in coffee. Tea contains a natural protein theanine, which counters the normal side effects of caffeine.

In 2005 scientists found that epigallocattechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a catethin polyphenol and a major antioxidant in green tea, decreases production of protein beta-amyloid, which is related to Alzheimer's and can accumulate abnormally in your brain, leading to nerve damage and memory loss.

Tea is a great substitute as a hot beverage for those in need of caffeine. When choosing a tea brand make sure to get a good clean source preferably organic and one that does not contain fluoride. Fluoride is a toxic substance that can have negative effects on the body.

The bottom line is: when on a journey to health, your drink of choice should be good clean water. The second best would be organic, fluoride free tea. And if you insist on having your cup of Joe, then follow the advice in this column of how to prepare and what to look for when getting coffee.


Psychosomatic Medicine 2002;64:593-603
Asia One April 15, 2008
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition July 2008
Dr. Mercola

Friday, August 13, 2010

Overpowering Yourself

As a personal trainer, a coach or any fitness professional, it is very common to hear the phrase "I can't". So in order to help our clients, I decided to transform this ‘I can't’ into something positive.
We tend to feel the need to say those words when we are fazed with a challenge that we need to conquer. In order to overcome that obstacle every time those words surface, we must learn to add a few words at the end, in order to finish the phrase; Such as. I can't: give up, surrender, lose, stop, let up, fail, be beaten, etc.... Now read it again. Repetition makes perfection. I can't give up, I can't surrender, I can't lose, I can't stop, I can't let up, I can't fail, I can't be beaten.
There is at least one situation where these statements can be applied helping you overcome that obstacle.
Don't let "I can't" hinder your success.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Don't sleep; it's a waste of time.

Why do we, and all other living creatures, sleep? Why is it that babies sleep more than they are awake when they are infants?

ALL living, breathing, creatures sleep. Since that is true, sleep must be very vital to our health. All the damage that we do to ourselves throughout the day: whether it is physical because we worked out or because it is mental from stress at work, our body repairs itself when it is sleeping. In our modern society we easily lose sight of why we need to sleep until we get so sleep deprived that we get ill. While sick, your body chooses to sleep 10 to 12 hrs. Depending on the severity of the illness, the only time that you are going to be awake is when you are eating or drinking. Don't let your body get to that point. We need to learn to listen to the signs that our body provides to us. When getting sufficient sleep, we should wake up without any stimulants such as coffee or caffeinated teas. Sleep should be enjoyed and not looked at as a burden or a waste of time.

Let's get back to the infants. They sleep so much because they are growing and healing. They eat, defecate and sleep. How come we don't value sleep like they do? Sleeping for infants is an instinctive thing to do. They did not learn it anywhere, it's just what Mother Nature intended for them to do and they follow it well.

So how much sleep is enough, and what qualifies as good sleep? Doctors recommend that we sleep 7-9 hrs for adults and much longer for children. Now what most people don't know is when the best sleep is. Since our body is 75% water we are in sync with the moon. The moon affects the tides and so does our sleep. This means that we need to sleep during the night, 10 pm to 6 am is the best time interval for the most beneficial sleep when the body does the most repairing.

So sleep well and stay healthy!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Let's Start At The Begining

Human species are different from other animals not only by our opposable thumbs but by our way of rational thinking. This is our greatest treasure and our worst flaw. Many people are extremely stressed in our modern society and it's because of the view that they have about their daily lives. We tend to linger on all the negative thoughts and past mistakes we made. Let go of the mistakes but make sure to learn from them. Start focusing on the positive and look toward the future. This lesson is best taught to us by our dear four legged friends - dogs. They live for the moment, and have you ever noticed how happy they always are? They don't dwell on the past and forget bad things instantly.

Positive thinking goes a long way. Everything begins with a thought. Any invention and master piece wether its art, music, poetry all began as a simple thought that was developed into action. Any such thought travels instantly to every part of our body: positive thoughts expand our cells making more room for cell function and negative thoughts do the total opposite. Constantly, thoughts are popping into our heads but very few people have the control to actually rationalize them. The phrase "think before you speak" is so common but not to many people follow that simple logic.

So how can we escape from the negative thinking and truly make us unique from the rest of the animal kingdom? Do away with negative thoughts and start to practice thinking positively. Just like anything else in life this will take time and patience but the rewards are more then worth it. Set goals for yourself and follow up on them. Get rid of all the negative words that hold you back from your full potential such as; can't, fail,quit... Etc. If you prepare your self to succeed you definitely will.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Change In Our Health With In Recent Years

"In no period of our history as a nation have Americans been so concerned about the subject of diet and nutrition. Yet if we accept the premise that what we eat determines our health, then we must add the observation that in no period of our history as a nation have Americans eaten so poorly, a statement that the most cursory survey of current statistics can prove.

Although heart disease and cancer were rare at the turn of the century, today these two diseases strike with increasing frequency, in spite of billions of dollars in research to combat them, and in spite of tremendous advances in diagnostic and surgical techniques. In America, one person in three dies of cancer, one in three suffers from allergies, one in ten will have ulcers and one in five is mentally ill. Continuing this grim litany, one out of five pregnancies ends in miscarriage and one quarter of a million infants are born with a birth defect each year. Other degenerative diseases – arthritis, multiple sclerosis, digestive disorders, diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy and chronic fatigue – afflict a significant majority of our citizens, sapping the energy and the very life blood of our nation. Learning disabilities such as dyslexia and hyperactivity afflict seven million young people. These diseases were also extremely rare only a generation or two ago. Today, chronic illness afflicts nearly half of all Americans and causes three out of four deaths in the United States. Most tragically, these diseases, formerly the purview of the very old, now strike our children and those in the prime of life. American spend one dollar out of every fourteen for medical services, or over $800 billion yearly – more than the national deficit, the food bill and the profits of all US corporations combined – yet we have little to show for this tremendous drain on our resources. Medial science has not even been able to lengthen our life span. Fewer persons alive at 70-today survive until 90 than forty years ago. And those who do survive past 70 are often a helpless burden to their families rather than useful members of society. Credit for today’s relatively long life span belongs to improved sanitation and the reduction of infant mortality.

New killer viruses now command newspaper headlines and even infections diseases such as tuberculosis are making a comeback, this time in forms resistant to allopathic drugs. Chemical sensitive and problems with the immune system abound. We have almost forgotten that our natural state is one of balance, wholeness and vitality". -Sally Fallon, Nourishing Traditions

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The End of One-Size-Fits-All Diets

For many years, health consumers have been overwhelmed with complex and often sharply contradictory information about what to eat in order to feel well and stay healthy and fit. And, recently, all the confusion about what represents a healthy diet has erupted into a major diet controversy in the national media.

The current diet debate is focused on the all-important issue of macronutrient consumption -- in other words, health experts everywhere disagree strongly about how much protein, carbohydrate and fat people should be eating.

For instance, some nutrition experts are big proponents of low-fat, low-protein, high carbohydrate diets. They contend that diets high in fatty foods like meat, cheese and vegetable oil will expand our waistlines, clog our arteries and put us all on the fast track to senility and premature death. Many of these experts advise us to cut fat intake to a bare minimum and stick to light vegetarian fare based on grains and fruits and vegetables.

Other leading nutritional gurus advocate just the opposite -- diets high in protein and fat and low in carbohydrates. They believe that the only way people can combat serious health disorders like obesity and heart disease is to heavily restrict their consumption of carbohydrates (like fruits, grains, breads and pasta), while making proteins (meat and fish and poultry) the mainstay of every meal.

The primary problem for health consumers is this: since the market is flooded with so many dietary options, and so much conflicting advice and opinion, people are left feeling confused, not knowing how to make sense of it all. Since people have no way to make rational dietary choices, they're forced into a process of endless experimentation, forced to play a never-ending game of "dietary roulette."

In contrast, The Metabolic Typing Diet is based on a completely different and truly revolutionary scientific technology (metabolic typing) which is the very essence of inclusion, precision, predictability.

Metabolic typing takes the guesswork out of nutritional science, and it doesn't leave anyone behind. It's an advanced but very easy and accessible methodology that anyone can use to rapidly cut through the information glut of confusing fact and opinion and accurately assess their own unique nutritional requirements.

The Metabolic Typing Diet is a truly revolutionary book that provides what has long been desperately needed: a systematic, testable, repeatable, verifiable means for each of us to find an answer to the question, "What's right for me?"