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Monday, November 22, 2010


This article correlates with my previous article on Happiness. What completes you? Many people take themselves for granted and end up too stressed, malnourished and/or sick. It's great to want to help others, but how can one help another if they can’t help themselves?

I am going to use parents as an example simply to illustrate my point. Parents make many sacrifices for their children. They work in order to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads. They make time to drive their children to sporting events, music recitals, parties etc. Basically, their entire world revolves around their children. Now, there is nothing wrong with this but how many people can truly be happy living this lifestyle for a long period of time? Unfortunately, based upon the rising rates of divorce, not too many individuals are fond of living that lifestyle. What each person needs to do is become slightly more selfish. Yes, you heard me right: slightly more selfish!

People need to place themselves as number 1 in their life. This means; taking the time out of their busy lives from taking care of everyone else and focusing a little more on taking care of themselves. When asked to describe yourself, how do you answer that question? Most people begin listing hobbies, or their likes and dislikes; I like cooking, I hate cleaning. I love dogs, I hate cats, etc... Now, to truly appreciate yourself, YOU need to figure out who YOU are. In order to do that, you must realize what your core values are. These core values will represent who you truly are. There are many values or needs that each person has, but we will address the three basic ones; physical, mental, and emotional.

Physical values: How much movement or exercise does your body need? What are your dietary needs? Basically anything to do with your body goes under physical values.

Mental values: How much time or rest do you need in order to be mentally focused? What mental challenges do you enjoy? Anything that stimulates your mind falls under this category.

Emotional values: Do you need a great deal of social time? What type of people do you like to be surrounded by? This one is yet the biggest field because anything that springs up emotion goes under here.

Going back to our parent example; many of their needs are not met by simply catering to their children. Therefore, they must figure out what they truly like so that they may be able to balance their personal lifestyles with satisfaction and happiness. If work is making them unhappy, they must find out what job is best suited for them. If they enjoy being around people then being a pencil pusher at the back of the office is not a job for them and vice versa. If they don't like the body image they have, then they must figure out what they like and strive to achieve it. And last but not least, the relationships in their life; Whether it's a business, friendship, lover, husband or a wife relationship they need to be clear about their core values. Right from the start, they will know their compatibility and this will allow them to have long and healthy relationships with others.

Therefore, by continuing to be involved parents and fulfilling the needs of their children, they can still retain self satisfaction simply by adjusting minor details in their lifestyles. Such as; finding a job that takes care of their financial needs and mental needs, gaining physical activity either by cheering and running with the child or helping them warm up for their sporting events, and having a babysitter once in a while so they may go out to social gatherings and take care of their emotional values. NONE of these changes can be made unless the parents find out what they really want out of life. Take action now and become that healthy, happy individual you’ve always wanted to be!

NRW wishes you success on your journey of self improvement.
For more information contact Yuri at

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