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Saturday, November 27, 2010

There are 3 types of people in this world...

In a not so distant past our elderly were seen as the wisest and most respected people in society. Their reason is that the elderly have been around for a long time and have experienced and learned the most in life. This is true throughout all tribes and goes as far back as any record in history. People had learned from the wise and elderly, giving them the ability to progress and acquire more knowledge, thereby creating the evolution of man.

As we move from the past, we enter into our own times: The present. This is the age of modernization, ultimate wisdom, and knowledge. All the information is at our finger tips. Yet there are but a hand full of people that allow themselves to stand out of the crowd. What makes them different from everyone else?

Let me introduce the 3 types of people in this world: There are people who will not learn no matter what. There are people who learn from their mistakes. And there are those fortunate few who just learn.

Learning is going to be referred to as everything; common knowledge, street smart, book smart etc.

First, I will discuss those that cannot learn. These are the people who continuously make mistakes and never learn from them. Whether it's doing the same cardiovascular machine every day, expecting their body to miraculously "get in shape", or going on many different diets and still ending up looking the same or worse than when they began. Or, someone who gets in trouble with the law and continues doing so even though they know the penalty is not satisfying. The examples are endless and we are quick to point this out in others but are the last to see this in our own selves. Albert Einstein stated that the definition of "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." This is unfortunately the perspective that this first class of individuals suffer.

Now, we get to our second group of people. These individuals have made lots of mistakes in their lives but they have learned from them and in turn, make better decisions because of them. They used to be doing the same cardiovascular machine and following a diet that did not work but they were able to realize it and CHANGE their ways. These individuals kept breaking the law but once they got caught and fined for it, they decided that it's not worth the hassle to repeat the same mistake over. These people learned the hard way but did in fact learn. It may take some people months, years, or even decades, but in the end, they become a wiser individual due to those experiences.

And finally, we reached our third class of individuals; those that simply learn. They learn from their own trials and errors. They have the ability to pick up knowledge from other peoples mistakes, but more importantly, they learn from the experts or the "elderly" of our time. Learning is not a chore to them; it is simply a part of life. These are the people who stand out in society. This is what everyone should want to and be willing to achieve.

Which type of person are you? Figure out what you are and get yourself on the learning curve. Keep making slight changes each day for the better, and soon, you will be a "wise elder" as well.

NRW wishes you success on your journey of self improvement.
For more information contact Yuri at

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