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Monday, December 27, 2010

The secret to looking ageless

Hey everyone, I found a secret to staying ageless and wrinkle free. And no it's not some miracle cream, pill, shot, or even surgery. Actually, the secret is really not a secret at all! It’s the simplest solution and the most overlooked.

How much money does a typical female spend on cosmetics and beauty products? Thousands sometimes maybe even tens of thousands? If you were to sit down and actually figure out how much money was spend on all that stuff you would probably kick yourself (I suggest not counting the costs in front of your husband). Well, the simple solution that most people don't realize is how we take care of ourselves. It all falls back to how much exercise or movement our body gets, how much nutrition we absorb, how much sleep we need, and how much water we consume. I will discuss the importance of proper hydration in this article because to discuss all the elements would take a long time and this one is the most overlooked.

Basics of what water is responsible for in our bodies:
Our body is 72% water some sources say even more.
We need water for digestion, temperature and blood regulation, respiration, and detoxification. (The toxin build up is what creates this older appearance)
90% of our blood is water and uses water to transport oxygen, nutrients, and antibodies throughout the body.
80% of our skin is water. Plentiful water is needed to maintain our skin's elasticity and moisture barrier.
Its winter time and many peoples’ skin begin to crack because of dehydration. So stop applying that lotion and grab an extra glass of water.

Did you know that just a 5% drop in bodily fluids can cause a 25 to 30 % loss in energy?
If you are having energy crashes or cravings of sweets it's a good indication of being dehydrated.

How to know when you are properly hydrated?
A good rule of thumb is to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces. So a person who weighs 200 lbs needs to consume 100 oz of water daily. If you exercise make sure to consume an additional 8 to 16 oz more, depending on your thirst and your activity level.
Some people may say that since they increase their water consumption they urinate more frequently. Great! that means that your boring day is broken up into frequent bathroom visits meaning you move around more.

Now, what's the best source of water?

There are plenty to choose from! There is well water, tap water, bottled water, distilled water, alkaline water and vitamin water.
Well water is the cleanest and the purist out there. But if you are not lucky enough to live by a mountain well or a spring then you need to look elsewhere.
Tap water and bottled water are the most convenient but are they the cleanest sources?
There are many harmful chemicals in both but the tap water is much cheaper and is actually tested for them. Bottled water industries have no regulations and test the water as rarely as once a year. So the best option is to put a filtration system on your tap water. It's the most cost effective and environmentally friendly.

Water filtration options:

Pitcher style filter
Reverse osmosis filter
Ion exchange filter
Distillation filter
Granular carbon and carbon block filter

Do research on these filtration options and find out what type of water pollutants are in your tap water. Then protect yourself against them.

So there it is, the secret is revealed. Hydration is a good start and the most simplest to work on. Make sure to cover all the other bases as well, nutrition, movement, etc.

If you would like more information about water consumption or health tips, contact Yuri at

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Yuri. Have been trying to stay on top of the water intake. Becomes difficult when traveling.
