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Friday, August 13, 2010

Overpowering Yourself

As a personal trainer, a coach or any fitness professional, it is very common to hear the phrase "I can't". So in order to help our clients, I decided to transform this ‘I can't’ into something positive.
We tend to feel the need to say those words when we are fazed with a challenge that we need to conquer. In order to overcome that obstacle every time those words surface, we must learn to add a few words at the end, in order to finish the phrase; Such as. I can't: give up, surrender, lose, stop, let up, fail, be beaten, etc.... Now read it again. Repetition makes perfection. I can't give up, I can't surrender, I can't lose, I can't stop, I can't let up, I can't fail, I can't be beaten.
There is at least one situation where these statements can be applied helping you overcome that obstacle.
Don't let "I can't" hinder your success.

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