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Friday, July 23, 2010

Let's Start At The Begining

Human species are different from other animals not only by our opposable thumbs but by our way of rational thinking. This is our greatest treasure and our worst flaw. Many people are extremely stressed in our modern society and it's because of the view that they have about their daily lives. We tend to linger on all the negative thoughts and past mistakes we made. Let go of the mistakes but make sure to learn from them. Start focusing on the positive and look toward the future. This lesson is best taught to us by our dear four legged friends - dogs. They live for the moment, and have you ever noticed how happy they always are? They don't dwell on the past and forget bad things instantly.

Positive thinking goes a long way. Everything begins with a thought. Any invention and master piece wether its art, music, poetry all began as a simple thought that was developed into action. Any such thought travels instantly to every part of our body: positive thoughts expand our cells making more room for cell function and negative thoughts do the total opposite. Constantly, thoughts are popping into our heads but very few people have the control to actually rationalize them. The phrase "think before you speak" is so common but not to many people follow that simple logic.

So how can we escape from the negative thinking and truly make us unique from the rest of the animal kingdom? Do away with negative thoughts and start to practice thinking positively. Just like anything else in life this will take time and patience but the rewards are more then worth it. Set goals for yourself and follow up on them. Get rid of all the negative words that hold you back from your full potential such as; can't, fail,quit... Etc. If you prepare your self to succeed you definitely will.

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