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Wednesday, February 22, 2012


This message goes out to everyone. To the kids who get bullied, to the bullies, the teachers, the parents, the coaches, the bus drivers, the janitors and anyone else I forgot to mention. When I say everyone, I mean EVERYONE! This is more of a rant than a message, but there is only so much I can take!

Here goes...
There is a new movement that started recently to stop bullying. What is that about? There was bullying back in my day, how about yours? Everyone has been or will be bullied at least once in their life. It’s part of growing up, it builds character, and it makes you who you are today. More often than not, it makes you a stronger person. What is now completely new and unheard of from back in my day (and I'm not that old) is kids committing suicide because they are bullied too much.

Are you kidding me!? Suicide? That is the solution kids are choosing because they are being picked on at school? "But you don't know how hard it is for little Timmy or little Jimmy. He is always being picked on." I hope no one tries to defend the act of suicide. As I said before we have all had to deal with bullies and some of us still do. Some people have to call their bully “boss”.

First off, if you have enough balls/guts/will power/ planning to commit suicide, you better have enough balls/guts/will power/ planning to stand up to the bully. Take self defense classes, karate, wrestling, or pay a bodyguard to walk around with you. Anything is way better than the alternative (which was suicide). Fight the bully back, run away, tell a grown up, I don't know, but live another day and you will figure out what to do.

So stop bullying? Really? It's like saying stop breathing. It's the natural selection, Darwinism. The strong dominate the weak, you don't like being the weak become the strong. What we need to do is stop babying the kids.

What is this bullshit of everyone who plays a sport gets a trophy? When I grew up you worked your ass off to get a medal or a trophy and you were proud as hell of it to! You remember the day you got it, who was hurt, how you did, what you ate, where you were and how the weather was. You remember every detail of that day because you worked hard for that medal and you earned it. Now kids get medals just for showing up? Really? What does that teach them? That if you show up in life and you get a medal? That does not teach them lessons in life such as motivation, determination, hard work, sacrifice or any other lessons, and there are many more. You are robbing your kids of self confidence and self esteem. They don't cherish those trophies. Get them to compete and make it matter. You would be surprised at how much kids understand.
We just watched the Super Bowl. How great would it have been if both teams had won? If they all got trophies and rings? Did you see how happy the winning team was after meeting their goal? After getting what they had worked so hard for? You are robbing these kids of success in their younger years. Then when they get to middle school, when grades and scores actually matter, they are in for a rude awakening.

This brings me to another part discipline. There is no discipline at school, no discipline on a playing field, and no discipline at home, but hey, let's stop bullying because that is the problem. Discipline these kids; teach them that there are consequences for their actions. You won first place, you get a medal; positive action, positive reinforcement. You got in trouble, you need to be punished. My definition of punished was getting a beating by my parents. Then while I was wiping away my tears and my snot, I had to stand in the corner of the room, still most likely crying, until they told me otherwise. Did that happen often? No. But the fear of that stayed with me forever and made me think twice before I decided to do something bad. Definition of present America’s punishment is to send them to the room, where they have TV, video games, computers, you name it, and they have it. That's NOT punishment. Let's take it a step further. You take away their TV, video games, and computer for a week. Wow what discipline that is! What did they learn from that experience? They learn that if they get in trouble, you will just take away some of the luxuries that you gave them.

A great example: a kid graduates high school; his parents buy him an expensive car. He crashes the car. His parents go and buy the kid a less expensive car. LESSON LEARNED. Unbelievable! This may or may not have been someone I knew.

Stop bullying? .............

Well, my rant made me feel a little better. But every time I see the stop bullying thing I get mad again. Is it because I was bullied and I have some underlying issues that I need to resolve? Or is it the fact that this soft society is fighting the wrong battles and is making things worse?

All I know is that if I see posts or comments about stopping bullying, I'm posting my rant right underneath.

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