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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fail Proof Way To Achieve Success

How much closer are you to achieving your New Year’s resolution or the goal that you set on January 1st? I ask because it's February 1st, which means, one month has gone by since you made your New Year’s resolutions. That's 31 days, 744 hours or 44640 minutes. Now that's a lot of time!

If you are still in the same predicament as you were in a month ago, then it's time to ACT. STOP PROCRASTINATING!! If it’s extremely difficult to start on your own, then seek out professional help. It's always easier to start something new with a professional who has been there and has done what you are trying to do.

The most typical New Year’s resolution is to lose weight or get in shape. A month has now gone by, and if all you did was join the cheapest gym in the neighborhood, but have failed to go, then it’s time to switch up your tactics. Work out with a friend who can get you motivated, or find a privately owned gym or studio near you, where you can work out with professionals either one on one, or in a group setting. Begin educating yourself on the subjects that will help you achieve your goal. Whatever it is that you choose to do, ACT now.

For a great motivational story read, “Which Wolf Do You Feed”.

As for me, I have done what I said I was going to do. I have been growing my business and learning more and more in my field. I have cut down on watching television, which gives me more time to expand my knowledge. I kept up my promise of blogging at least once a week, and I still keep my work area and my room clean (which is still the hardest thing by far).

The best thing about achieving a goal is that you can always create a new goal to reach for. This makes life more exciting and at the same time, you continue to evolve.

Any questions or comments contact me at

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