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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day. My Gift to You...

Valentine’s Day: a day of love; of sharing and caring. Well I have some love and some sharing to spread, and a gift to give to all of you. That gift is knowledge. And my dear friends, knowledge is power (if it is applied). After the information I present to you today, I'm sure that you will apply this power. In my search for better health, I have come across a bunch of fun facts on how the food industry, how to put this lightly, does not give a damn about the well being of anyone, as long as they make money. Here is an example of what I'm talking about.

"Another unpublished experiment was carried out in 1960. Researchers at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor were given eighteen laboratory rats. These were divided into three groups: one group received cornflakes and water; a second group was given the cardboard box that the cornflakes came in and water; the control group received rat chow and water. The rats in the control group remained in good health throughout the experiment. The rats eating the box became lethargic and eventually died of malnutrition. The rats receiving the cornflakes and water died before the rats that were eating the box! (The first box rat died the day the last cornflake rat died.) Furthermore, before death, the cornflakes-eating rats developed aberrant behavior, threw fits, bit each other and finally went into convulsions. Autopsy revealed dysfunction of the pancreas, liver and kidneys and degeneration of the nerves of the spine, all signs of insulin shock. The startling conclusion of this study was that there was more nourishment in the box than in the cornflakes. This experiment was designed as a joke, but the results were far from funny." for the rest of this article Click Here.

For those of you who did not want to read the lengthy article, I will sum it up for you. There were three groups of rats. One group was given cereal, the second the cardboard the cereal came from and the third, rat chow. All three groups were given water as well. The group that received the cereal died the fastest. This basically means that the cardboard has more nutritional value than the cereal that is in the box. BOOM! That's some heavy knowledge being dropped on you. Digest this for a minute. Now you will look twice at the box of Cheerios that claims that it lowers cholesterol. Or is it heart disease? They can claim anything they like on these boxes, and they do.

Here’s more information that some of you may enjoy; most breads, muffins and other processed packaged floury substances that people buy have cellulose added to it. Cellulose is wood chips. So basically we are eating the cardboard that the cereal came from. Here is a great article on Cellulose that was in the Wall Street Journal.
There are tons of others, just type in ‘cellulose in food’ in your favorite search engine and you will get tons of hits.

Knowledge is power. How will you use yours? Share this with your loved ones. Prevent them from eating cardboard.

Comments and questions contact me at

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