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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How will you achieve your New Year resolution?

The New Year is approaching fast and we all know what that means; New Year’s resolutions.
So why not wait until January 1st to come up with my New Year’s resolutions that are supposed to set the pace for the whole year?

Take the time to think about what you will do differently in order to improve on the previous year.
New Year’s resolutions are great because you are starting with a new slate, nothing from the past matters.
So then, why do we wake up with a massive hangover, every single year? Is that a way we want to set the mood for the whole year? I'm not saying don't celebrate the New Year, I'm saying do it with control. Since this is a new, fresh start, you want to be functional the next day so that you can get started on your resolutions.
What are my New Year's resolutions?
Well for one, my goal is to release a blog at least once a week. I want to share my knowledge and educate as many people as possible, not just the clients I currently work with. That's a minimum of 52 blogs in one year. I think it's a feasible goal. If my clients can do what I ask of them, then the least I can do is write a blog once a week.
I also plan to grow my business, which means doing whatever is required to achieve that goal. Such requirements include learning how to utilize something called the Internet (running the blog, fixing my website, etc.).
Another resolution is to always learn more than I have the previous year, because I love to learn and because my learning helps me to grow, which, in turn, helps my clients.

As you can see from the image on the left, this is referring to your New Year’s resolutions. Do not make promises when you are happy or drunk and don’t make decisions when you are angry. Preplan your resolutions.

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