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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Live Well and Prosper

Let’s create an addictive substance, get people hooked on it and then find an expensive solution to fix it. For every health issue that we have created, others have found a solution for it, and are making a fortune off of their products and or drugs. Here is an example: smoking is an addictive substance and when people decide to quit this unhealthy habit, they have many options available to them. They can go into any local pharmacy and use many different drugs to get off the drug they are currently on, which is nicotine. There are so many different products out there; you know people are making a huge profit off of them. The same goes for illegal drugs; although rehab treatments for drug addicts and alcoholics are much more expensive. And the new epidemic/problem that many people are facing nowadays is obesity. Some treatments for obesity are: surgery to staple the stomach, liposuction, and many different diet pills and supplements.

For those who do not understand what I'm trying to get at. MANY HEALTH ISSUES AND PROBLEMS THAT WE HAVE IN THIS WORLD TODAY ARE SELF INFLICTED! People are making money off of your bad habits, and then they are making money of off you trying to get your health back. Think about that for a second. Some great advice for people who are trying to get in shape is "don’t’ get fat in the first place". This is the best advice I have ever read.

Do not contribute to drug companies, when trying to improve on your health. Seek out a professional who will work WITH you, and not just throw expensive medication AT you.
This saying by a very wise Dalai Lama sums up humanity pretty well:

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