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Thursday, January 12, 2012


The weekend is almost here, which is the most celebrated time for most people. Some people enjoy their weekends by going out; some enjoy the quiet and serenity by staying in and relaxing. Whatever you choose to do during the weekend, I hope that you enjoy it and make the most of it. For those of you movie fans out there, I have suggestion for you. Watch the movie Limitless. Not sure if you’ve seen it or not, but it’s a great movie and it makes you think.

The premise of the movie is that there is a pill that lets you access 100 percent of your brain cells, making you extremely smart. You can do anything, get any guy/girl you like, learn any language in a day, become a millionaire, and basically do anything you choose. The world is yours for the taking. But there is a catch.....Which of course is death, and an extremely quick death.

Since this is the age of pills and quick fixes, I thought that this movie was excellent way to demonstrate our society and our way of thinking. Any and all of the pills on the market right now have negative side effects, death being one of them, and yet many people take these pills without a second thought.

If you have 2 hours this weekend, watch this movie. After watching it, ask yourself, would you take that pill? Or any other pill for that matter?

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