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Tuesday, May 17, 2011


During these harsh times, it seems as though any news channel we turn on, we are being exposed to images of war. This is not the war in Iraq or in Pakistan; it’s the one in our own back yard. We are raging a war against obesity, diabetes, cancer and many other countless diseases, but we are losing. How is it that we are able to launch a missile from Washington and hit a target in Iraq but we cannot figure out the cure for cancer?
There are millions and billions of dollars being raised for an elusive cure, but we do not seem to be any closer to finding it than we were 10 years ago. It’s astonishing that millions, if not billions of dollars are spent on the treatment of cancer and yet again the individuals’ chances of survival and quality of life are not guaranteed. Many families are affected by this foreign invader and the only weapons that we are given to fight with are surgery, where we gut the bastard, chemotherapy, where the foreign invader and the host are poisoned by chemicals, and radiation therapy, where you literally nuke yourself. To me, this is unacceptable! How can all that money be placed in research and treatment, and give us a single solution which consists of nuking our body with radiation and chemical warfare.
It seems to me that the only cure for cancer is to evade it all together. But in these modern times, it seems that it is more and more difficult to do so. A couple of strategies that may be useful in dodging this disease are: to eat correct foods that meet your biochemical needs, eating organic non processed foods which will help in keeping the body’s nutrition high and unnecessary chemicals and pesticides low, and finally, drinking plenty of water is key in making sure that your body’s immune system is at an all time high. Also plenty of the right type of exercise or movement.

For any more ideas of what foods are acceptable, email me at To best learn what foods are meant for your body, work with a professional to figure out your biochemical needs.

1 comment:

  1. Yuri, saw first hand what my dad went through with this dreadful disease. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Keeping it away from our system is ever so harder with a urban lifestyle. But, we must try....
