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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Power to the people.

Hey guys, as I stated in my previous blog, I am going to increase my blogging to at least once a week. This will give you the convenience and ability to ask me what you want to learn about. Whether it is the latest diet you heard about and want to test, or a new exercise program you would like to attempt. Feel free to ask about any topic that sparks your interest and you would like to learn about. Take advantage of this. I know that you have questions and I will be here to provide the answers for you!

You can contact me through Facebook
Or through my email.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How will you achieve your New Year resolution?

The New Year is approaching fast and we all know what that means; New Year’s resolutions.
So why not wait until January 1st to come up with my New Year’s resolutions that are supposed to set the pace for the whole year?

Take the time to think about what you will do differently in order to improve on the previous year.
New Year’s resolutions are great because you are starting with a new slate, nothing from the past matters.
So then, why do we wake up with a massive hangover, every single year? Is that a way we want to set the mood for the whole year? I'm not saying don't celebrate the New Year, I'm saying do it with control. Since this is a new, fresh start, you want to be functional the next day so that you can get started on your resolutions.
What are my New Year's resolutions?
Well for one, my goal is to release a blog at least once a week. I want to share my knowledge and educate as many people as possible, not just the clients I currently work with. That's a minimum of 52 blogs in one year. I think it's a feasible goal. If my clients can do what I ask of them, then the least I can do is write a blog once a week.
I also plan to grow my business, which means doing whatever is required to achieve that goal. Such requirements include learning how to utilize something called the Internet (running the blog, fixing my website, etc.).
Another resolution is to always learn more than I have the previous year, because I love to learn and because my learning helps me to grow, which, in turn, helps my clients.

As you can see from the image on the left, this is referring to your New Year’s resolutions. Do not make promises when you are happy or drunk and don’t make decisions when you are angry. Preplan your resolutions.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Been gone so long

Hey all, I apologize that I was gone for a while. I have no excuse for the 3 month or more disappearance except to say that I was delving into my education and putting in many hours at work. During this time, unfortunately, blogging did not make the to-do list. I realize that I have been busy educating myself and I was selfish by not sharing my knowledge as I was obtaining it. I'm quite excited about the upcoming year because I have much to share with you. So stay tuned because you are not going to want to miss this!

For anyone who appreciates a great, motivational, crazy clip. Check this out:

A true testament of what the human body can achieve.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Vegan and Vegitarians

Vegan and vegetarian diets or lifestyles have been getting more and more popular, claiming that they create cleaner and healthier living. Their reasoning for not eating commercial meat is because of the cruelty inflicted on animals or for the fact that the animals are filled with chemicals, drugs and unsanitary foods to help in making the slaughtering process quicker. One main aspect that is extremely healthy is staying away from commercially raised meats, but not necessarily staying away from meat all together. Human beings are meant to eat meat. We have canine teeth to help us tear the meat off the bones. From the meat we absorb important macronutrients known as protein as well as all the micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. A strictly vegan diet restricts any meat products. It is extremely difficult for a person to fulfill their bodily needs from a daily intake of only plant foods. We are not cattle; we do not have 4 stomachs that can help us digest large amounts of greens without causing bodily harm.
There have recently been a couple of cases where infants and babies have died from being put on vegetarian diets and becoming malnourished. If this diet is not safe for infants, what makes people think that it is safe for a grown-up? Some of the parents were sentenced to jail for involuntary manslaughter and neglect due to this. It is extremely difficult to fulfill all your bodily needs when you are a vegetarian and it is probably impossible to attain any vitamin B12. It is tremendously easy to get suckered into the latest craze but it's very unlikely that you will stay healthy on that type of diet. Conduct some research and figure out what your body is asking for. Just because you are not eating McDonalds cheeseburgers does not mean that you are healthy.

For more in depth on vegetarian diet check out:

For the cases with infants dying:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


During these harsh times, it seems as though any news channel we turn on, we are being exposed to images of war. This is not the war in Iraq or in Pakistan; it’s the one in our own back yard. We are raging a war against obesity, diabetes, cancer and many other countless diseases, but we are losing. How is it that we are able to launch a missile from Washington and hit a target in Iraq but we cannot figure out the cure for cancer?
There are millions and billions of dollars being raised for an elusive cure, but we do not seem to be any closer to finding it than we were 10 years ago. It’s astonishing that millions, if not billions of dollars are spent on the treatment of cancer and yet again the individuals’ chances of survival and quality of life are not guaranteed. Many families are affected by this foreign invader and the only weapons that we are given to fight with are surgery, where we gut the bastard, chemotherapy, where the foreign invader and the host are poisoned by chemicals, and radiation therapy, where you literally nuke yourself. To me, this is unacceptable! How can all that money be placed in research and treatment, and give us a single solution which consists of nuking our body with radiation and chemical warfare.
It seems to me that the only cure for cancer is to evade it all together. But in these modern times, it seems that it is more and more difficult to do so. A couple of strategies that may be useful in dodging this disease are: to eat correct foods that meet your biochemical needs, eating organic non processed foods which will help in keeping the body’s nutrition high and unnecessary chemicals and pesticides low, and finally, drinking plenty of water is key in making sure that your body’s immune system is at an all time high. Also plenty of the right type of exercise or movement.

For any more ideas of what foods are acceptable, email me at To best learn what foods are meant for your body, work with a professional to figure out your biochemical needs.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Touch of Reality

It has come to my attention that there are hundreds, if not thousands of diets out there. There are millions of cook books, health magazines and workout DVD’s sold, yet somehow we still manage to be getting sicker and more overweight than ever before. Since so many products are on the market, many people get confused about what to follow and they begin to jump from using one product to the next without getting any results. The 3 diets I'm going to discuss are the Weight Watchers, the Nutri-System and the starvation diet.

Let’s go into detail about these diets and see whether or not they work.
Weight Watchers claims to help many people by doing lots of tedious work with their counting and calculating points.
Nutri -System is very alluring because it provides all the food, which is made specifically for the dieter and you won’t have to worry about spending the time to cook, simply heat it and eat it. The meals are prepackaged, precooked and all you need to do is pay the fee, pop the food in the microwave and get fit. This is extremely convenient especially in peoples’ busy lives, where it is difficult to find time to prepare meals for oneself.
Starvation diet, an oldie but a goodie. Keep cutting back on the calories until you lose enough weight so that you are able to fit in that dress or that suit for the weekend. Even though I did not particularly see any books written on starving yourself, it seems as though everyone knows about it and many do it. I must stress one major point: ‘losing weight does not necessarily mean you are losing fat’.
All these diets seem different but in fact they are all very similar. They all count calories whether it is in a form of points or actual calories. Definition of a calorie is a "unit equal to the kilocalorie, used to express the heat output of an organism and the fuel or energy value of food." Basically, it is a unit of energy. So why are we calculating units of energy? We are not robots, we do not need energy or batteries, but we do need nutrients. The same nutrients as those you find in live foods. Live food is something that is raw, organic, plant or fresh meat that has not been processed in any way shape or form. Live food gives life. That throws Nutri-System right out of the window since it’s all processed and packaged.
As mentioned earlier we as a country are becoming more and more overweight. Most of those overweight people are starving. How can an overweight person be starving? Well let us go back to the calorie system. Most people just check the label and look at the calories, protein, fats and carbohydrates. So we know they get plenty of calories throughout the day otherwise they would die. But their body is not satisfied with only calories, it wants and needs nutrients. So it starts craving more food, hoping that with the calories there will be a reward of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, which never arrive or are too minuscule to help the body. So what happens is that we keep eating and getting calories and gaining weight. That’s a simple version of it all. And that is how the whole calorie theory came about. That if you take in more calories than you burn, you will gain weight and vice verse.
So instead of counting the number of calories you are taking in, start focusing on eating live food that gives your body lots of nutrients. Eat until your body is satisfied and eventually your own body will regulate itself to where it needs to be.

This is an extremely over simplified article just to open peoples’ eyes to how they should be eating. If interested in receiving more information about the food that is nutrient rich and ones that aren't email at BE WELL.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Which Wolf Do You Feed?

The following story is worthy of careful consideration:

An old Cherokee was teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them, "A battle is raging inside me ... it is a terrible fight between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego. The other stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The old man fixed the children with a firm stare. "This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too."

They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"

The old Cherokee replied: "The one you feed."

Which wolf inside you do you feed each day? This is an ancient story told for many
years that applies perfectly in our modern world. What has worked in the past
will work today. Similarly, what has failed in the past will fail today. CHOOSE
to feed the right wolf.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Age The Limmiting Factor

In our youthful years, we look forward to getting older so that we may be able to do more things; Being able to go to sleep late, watch rated-R movies, drive, vote, and legally drink. It's very exciting to reach those new ages and to gain the so-called benefits of being older. Along that journey of trying to get older, we get to a point where we’ve gone too far and as hard as we try we cannot force back time. We start regretting our age. We use it as an excuse to get out of doing things that we used to hold dear; such as sports, playing outside in the sun, and most importantly, being healthy. Why is it that when you are 50, 60 or even 70 you are too old to be healthy?

The older you get, the better you are supposed to be because of the vast experience you’ve gained. Age is not a limiting factor; it's a super human power. You, have so much more of an advantage over the younger generation. So if age is not the limiting factor, then what is? Unfortunately, many people have their minds set. Common phrases that slow down the "older" folk from reaching their full potential are: ‘I'm too old for this’, ‘you are much younger than me so you are able to do this’, ‘when I was your age…’, ‘I wish I could’, ‘I just don’t have the time’, or ‘when I was as young as you my metabolism was much better’. If you have ever uttered any of these phrases, know that you are not alone, but also know that there are 70 year olds

that are even more fit and healthier than most 20 year olds. Don't make excuses for your age and start
taking responsibility. Harness that super power that is age and get more efficient at living a healthy, excuse free, life. Be the one that says this to the younger generation: ‘its ok you could not beat me this time, I have years of experience over you’.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thyroid and Unsaturated fats-How are they connected?

In recent years there have been more and more diseases popping up everywhere and are becoming more common, almost an everyday occurrence. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues and last but not least, the big one, cancer. What is the cause of this increase?
Since we can't tackle all the issues, we will discuss the one that many people struggle with, which makes us feel trapped thinking there’s no cure.

Thyroid issues (over-active and under-active) all stem from the foods we eat. Sure, many will argue that it's genetic but anything genetic had to have mutated from a healthy cell to an unhealthy one somewhere down the path of our lives or the lives of our parents. How is the thyroid treated now? By prescribed medication, of course. The trick is finding the right type and crossing your fingers in hopes that it will stabilize the thyroid. What should be addressed is the food that we ingest, specifically the fats.

I'm referring to fats such as soybean oil, corn oil, safflower oil, canola, sesame oil, sunflower seed oil, palm oil, and any others that are labeled as "unsaturated" or "polyunsaturated." Almond oil, which is used in many cosmetics, is very unsaturated. These types of fats need to be limited or eliminated from the diet completely. All systems of the body are harmed if in excess of these oils. There are mainly two reasons for this: first of all, these oils don't like heat and anytime they are ingested into our warm bodies they oxidize and become rancid. This oxidative process can damage enzymes and other parts of the cells, especially their ability to produce energy. The second reason is that many plants have adopted a protective mechanism that will keep the seeds from being eaten by animals. The oils in the seeds block the digestive enzymes in the animals' stomachs, which then leads to malabsorption of nutrients and eventually poor health. Remember, digestion is the direct link to great health.

How does that affect the thyroid? "Unsaturated oils block thyroid hormone secretion, its movement in the circulatory system, and the response of tissues to the hormone. When the thyroid hormone is deficient, the body is generally exposed to increased levels of estrogen. The thyroid hormone is essential for making the "protective hormones" progesterone and pregnenolone, so these hormones are lowered when anything interferes with the function of the thyroid. The thyroid hormone is required for using and eliminating cholesterol, so cholesterol is likely to be raised by anything which blocks the thyroid function.” (B. Barnes and L. Galton, Hypothyroidism, 1976, and 1994 references.)

Since these oils are to be avoided, what does that leave us with? Well, alternatives may include Coconut oil and cold pressed extra virgin olive oil. These are the only vegetable oils that are really safe. Other great saturated fats are butter and lamb fat if not poisoned with commercial farming. Coconut oil is unique in its ability to prevent weight-gain or cure obesity, by stimulating metabolism. It is quickly metabolized, and functions in some ways as an antioxidant. Olive oil is more fattening then the corn oil but contains an antioxidant that protects from cancer and heart problems.

To sum it up: unsaturated fats cause aging, clotting, inflammation, cancer, and weight gain. These oils are used in many processed foods, so take extreme care when reading the labels. Mayonnaise, pastries, even candies are some of the common examples of where these oils are hidden. If on a journey to health, then this is one road that needs to be taken. You must eliminate the use of these oils.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


The art of listening is lost on most people in our modern society. We are all so eager to speak that we don't take the time to listen, interpret what we hear, then formulate our thoughts and finally speak. And just like many of you, I fall under the same category.

The only way to end this vicious cycle of everyone talking at the same time and no one listening is to work on improving our own selves first. We must do this by taking the time to digest what the other person is saying and what they mean. If you are in an argument (or a healthy debate), try to figure out what the other persons stand and point of view is. We so often jump to judgment and give our opinion causing us to neglect others. Everyone has something to say and most often than not, we can learn from them. This article is short because I have finished speaking; now it is time for me to go and listen.

I hope you use this advice and start listening more intently to your loved ones, coworkers, or acquaintances, and watch how your relationships will improve.

For more information on how to listen and communicate better, contact me at

Monday, January 3, 2011

The miracle drug that solves everything

Ahhh, the age of modernization; the age of convenience, instant gratification, and the internet. We want things yesterday; otherwise we lose interest and move on to something else. This works the same way with our health. I have a headache so I take an aspirin or should it be Tylenol? I’ll just take whatever is better advertised on TV, because if it’s on TV then it must be good for you.

Many people have this mentality for over the counter drugs and don't realize what a simple dose of these over the counter drug will do at their cellular level. Sure it blocks the receptors of the pain, masking it, the pain is still there but your mind just does not perceive it as pain anymore. In order for your brain to get that drug it needs to digest it. That is where most of the damage is created. HCl levels also known as the stomach juices may be dropped or raised, making digestion of food more difficult, leading to malnourishment. It may be the reason why you are having the headache in the first place but many people don't know this because they are unaware.

This is the typical drug that sometimes people pop like tick tacks and there are many other drugs that are much worse out there.

Before you take any drug, do some research on it and find out what the negative side effects are on it. The side effects of the drug most likely include a minor form of damage to your body and are written on the warning label. Fact is, there is no such thing as a drug that has no negative side effects.

The name of the article is the miracle drug that solves everything, and so that you do not feel cheated I do have that drug and it’s called PATIENCE. If you become more patient you will be able to logically form your decisions. Don't just listen to people and aimlessly follow what they prescribe or advertise, ask why, and do your own research to figure out your own answers.

Typical side effects of aspirin that are recorder by the FDA include Heartburn, nausea, and upset stomach.

Seek medical attention right away if any of these SEVERE side effects occur when using Aspirin:
Severe allergic reactions: rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue, black or bloody stools, confusion, diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness, hearing loss, ringing in the ears, severe or persistent stomach pain, unusual bruising, vomiting.

Aspirin is known for gastrointestinal wall damage and may lead to ulcers and in severe cases, death.

If mixing more than one drug, something as simple as caffeine, new side effects appear.

Typical side effects of Tylenol include Constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness, excitability, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, nervousness or anxiety, trouble sleeping, upset stomach, vomiting, or weakness.

Seek medical attention right away if any of these SEVERE side effects occur when using Tylenol Allergy Multi-Symptom:
Severe allergic reactions include: rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue, dark urine, difficulty urinating or inability to urinate, fast or irregular heartbeat, hallucinations, mood or mental changes, pale stools, seizures, severe drowsiness, severe or persistent dizziness, nervousness, lightheadedness, or headache, severe or persistent trouble sleeping, stomach pain, tremor, vision changes, or yellowing of skin or eyes.

Tylenol has been known to have damage done on liver and kidneys.

Be aware of what you are placing into your mouth. With these side effects known, do you still want to take that drug to make that head ache go away?

If you suffer from one of the conditions commonly treated with acetaminophen (also known as Tylenol) such as headaches, joint pain or fever, be aware that there are almost always reasons behind your symptoms.

The goal of your physician should be to help discover the causes behind the symptoms you suffer from. Then you can learn to rid yourself of these causes, once and for all, instead of using something that amounts to little more than a Band-Aid to simply cover things up.

Do your own research, think for yourself and decide whether or not you want to continue using that drug.


For more health tips contact Yuri at