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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Touch of Reality

It has come to my attention that there are hundreds, if not thousands of diets out there. There are millions of cook books, health magazines and workout DVD’s sold, yet somehow we still manage to be getting sicker and more overweight than ever before. Since so many products are on the market, many people get confused about what to follow and they begin to jump from using one product to the next without getting any results. The 3 diets I'm going to discuss are the Weight Watchers, the Nutri-System and the starvation diet.

Let’s go into detail about these diets and see whether or not they work.
Weight Watchers claims to help many people by doing lots of tedious work with their counting and calculating points.
Nutri -System is very alluring because it provides all the food, which is made specifically for the dieter and you won’t have to worry about spending the time to cook, simply heat it and eat it. The meals are prepackaged, precooked and all you need to do is pay the fee, pop the food in the microwave and get fit. This is extremely convenient especially in peoples’ busy lives, where it is difficult to find time to prepare meals for oneself.
Starvation diet, an oldie but a goodie. Keep cutting back on the calories until you lose enough weight so that you are able to fit in that dress or that suit for the weekend. Even though I did not particularly see any books written on starving yourself, it seems as though everyone knows about it and many do it. I must stress one major point: ‘losing weight does not necessarily mean you are losing fat’.
All these diets seem different but in fact they are all very similar. They all count calories whether it is in a form of points or actual calories. Definition of a calorie is a "unit equal to the kilocalorie, used to express the heat output of an organism and the fuel or energy value of food." Basically, it is a unit of energy. So why are we calculating units of energy? We are not robots, we do not need energy or batteries, but we do need nutrients. The same nutrients as those you find in live foods. Live food is something that is raw, organic, plant or fresh meat that has not been processed in any way shape or form. Live food gives life. That throws Nutri-System right out of the window since it’s all processed and packaged.
As mentioned earlier we as a country are becoming more and more overweight. Most of those overweight people are starving. How can an overweight person be starving? Well let us go back to the calorie system. Most people just check the label and look at the calories, protein, fats and carbohydrates. So we know they get plenty of calories throughout the day otherwise they would die. But their body is not satisfied with only calories, it wants and needs nutrients. So it starts craving more food, hoping that with the calories there will be a reward of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, which never arrive or are too minuscule to help the body. So what happens is that we keep eating and getting calories and gaining weight. That’s a simple version of it all. And that is how the whole calorie theory came about. That if you take in more calories than you burn, you will gain weight and vice verse.
So instead of counting the number of calories you are taking in, start focusing on eating live food that gives your body lots of nutrients. Eat until your body is satisfied and eventually your own body will regulate itself to where it needs to be.

This is an extremely over simplified article just to open peoples’ eyes to how they should be eating. If interested in receiving more information about the food that is nutrient rich and ones that aren't email at BE WELL.

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