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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Age The Limmiting Factor

In our youthful years, we look forward to getting older so that we may be able to do more things; Being able to go to sleep late, watch rated-R movies, drive, vote, and legally drink. It's very exciting to reach those new ages and to gain the so-called benefits of being older. Along that journey of trying to get older, we get to a point where we’ve gone too far and as hard as we try we cannot force back time. We start regretting our age. We use it as an excuse to get out of doing things that we used to hold dear; such as sports, playing outside in the sun, and most importantly, being healthy. Why is it that when you are 50, 60 or even 70 you are too old to be healthy?

The older you get, the better you are supposed to be because of the vast experience you’ve gained. Age is not a limiting factor; it's a super human power. You, have so much more of an advantage over the younger generation. So if age is not the limiting factor, then what is? Unfortunately, many people have their minds set. Common phrases that slow down the "older" folk from reaching their full potential are: ‘I'm too old for this’, ‘you are much younger than me so you are able to do this’, ‘when I was your age…’, ‘I wish I could’, ‘I just don’t have the time’, or ‘when I was as young as you my metabolism was much better’. If you have ever uttered any of these phrases, know that you are not alone, but also know that there are 70 year olds

that are even more fit and healthier than most 20 year olds. Don't make excuses for your age and start
taking responsibility. Harness that super power that is age and get more efficient at living a healthy, excuse free, life. Be the one that says this to the younger generation: ‘its ok you could not beat me this time, I have years of experience over you’.

1 comment:

  1. Right Said Yuri...
    I am as fit at 40+ as I was in my teens when I used practice for and run middle distance races. But the big difference is that it does take me more time to recover from a strenous workout than before. But, once you learn how to listen to your body, you can continue pursuing new fitness levels at any age.
