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Tuesday, January 11, 2011


The art of listening is lost on most people in our modern society. We are all so eager to speak that we don't take the time to listen, interpret what we hear, then formulate our thoughts and finally speak. And just like many of you, I fall under the same category.

The only way to end this vicious cycle of everyone talking at the same time and no one listening is to work on improving our own selves first. We must do this by taking the time to digest what the other person is saying and what they mean. If you are in an argument (or a healthy debate), try to figure out what the other persons stand and point of view is. We so often jump to judgment and give our opinion causing us to neglect others. Everyone has something to say and most often than not, we can learn from them. This article is short because I have finished speaking; now it is time for me to go and listen.

I hope you use this advice and start listening more intently to your loved ones, coworkers, or acquaintances, and watch how your relationships will improve.

For more information on how to listen and communicate better, contact me at

1 comment:

  1. Yuri, nice one. Here's what the famous Lebanese poet Khalil Gibran said in one of his poems - "And in much of your talking, thinking is half murdered."
