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Friday, October 1, 2010


85% of U.S. adults consume caffeine daily and are prone to increased blood pressure; meaning, greater chances of heart disease and increased stressed.

The Duke University research team found that even if people don't consume caffeine after 1pm, the effects remain until they go to sleep. That's because caffeine takes a long time to deteriorate in the body. Twelve hours after consumption, the body still contains one-eighth of the original amount of caffeine. With regular consumption, these long-lasting effects could increase the risk of heart disease.

In addition, any disorder related to stress, such as the type 2 form of diabetes or social anxiety, can be adversely affected by caffeine consumption.

In the study, 47 regular coffee drinkers consumed 500 milligrams of caffeine, about the same as four 8 ounce cups of coffee, in the form of two pills, and no later than 1pm. They took these active pills one workday and inactive pills the next day, never knowing which type of pill they were consuming. The researchers monitored their blood pressure, heart rate, and quality of specific substances in their urine.

The subjects showed higher stress levels on days they consumed the caffeine pills, and produced 32% more epinephrine, a stress hormone. They also had slightly higher blood pressure with the caffeine pills.

Previous studies have shown that caffeine worsens insulin sensitivity, one of the major causes of chronic illness.
Other studies have shown that caffeine leads to a loss of aortic elasticity, and raises blood pressure.

Getting rid of this coffee habit, especially if you are addicted, is a lengthy process. It must be done in a controlled and slow pace because it is just like any drug addiction, which will create some withdrawal symptoms.

A helpful solution would be to drink organic coffee instead. Coffee is a heavily sprayed crop, so drinking organic coffee might reduce or eliminate the exposure to toxic herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers.

Another helpful replacement would be "Swiss Water Process" decaf; if you are going to drink decaffeinated coffee, be sure that it uses a non-chemical based method of decaffeination. The "Swiss Water Process" is a patented method and is the best choice.

Be sure to avoid sugar and/or milk - These are actually much worse for you than the coffee itself. Don't compound the detrimental health effects by adding milk or sugar to your coffee.

It is also important to use unbleached filters. If you use a "drip" coffee maker, be sure to use non-bleached filters. The bright white ones, which most people use, are chlorine bleached and some of this chlorine will be extracted from the filter during the brewing process.

One study that was performed on 15 men shows that 100mg of caffeine, the equivalent of two cups of coffee, can increase activity in the part of the brain that is responsible for short term memory. It also improves reaction times such as claimed on energy drinks and does increase energy levels but that only lasts for a short time.

Many studies have been linked to tea slowing down brain-cell degeneration, and there- by keeping your mind sharp. Although there is caffeine in tea, it is half of the caffeine that is in coffee. Tea contains a natural protein theanine, which counters the normal side effects of caffeine.

In 2005 scientists found that epigallocattechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a catethin polyphenol and a major antioxidant in green tea, decreases production of protein beta-amyloid, which is related to Alzheimer's and can accumulate abnormally in your brain, leading to nerve damage and memory loss.

Tea is a great substitute as a hot beverage for those in need of caffeine. When choosing a tea brand make sure to get a good clean source preferably organic and one that does not contain fluoride. Fluoride is a toxic substance that can have negative effects on the body.

The bottom line is: when on a journey to health, your drink of choice should be good clean water. The second best would be organic, fluoride free tea. And if you insist on having your cup of Joe, then follow the advice in this column of how to prepare and what to look for when getting coffee.


Psychosomatic Medicine 2002;64:593-603
Asia One April 15, 2008
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition July 2008
Dr. Mercola